Thursday 24 April 2008

Cloverfield sets monster record in US

Cloverfield sets monster record in US

'Cloverfield' has become the outset monster score of 2008 later on qualification $41m (€28m) in the US last weekend, a record chess opening for January according to studio estimates.
Look on an extended clip from 'Cloverfield' here.
The tale of a giant reptile causing topsy-turvyness in Newly House of York Metropolis surpassed the $35.9m premiere weekend of the 'Star Wars' special edition in 1997, the previous best for Jan.
Featuring a retch of unknowns, 'Cloverfield' tells its colossus story from the perspective of a partygoer's hand-held video camera, which captures the mayhem as the creature tears through the city.
The film benefited from cryptic merchandising that sent moviegoers on a scavenger hunt to decipher clues about the movie's plot of ground, images and even its championship, which was not confirmed until shortly in front its release.
'Cloverfield' is released in